
How to Make a Afk Machine in Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make a Afk Machine in Minecraft

Afk pool render.png

An endless circumvoluted pool, likewise known as an AFK pool, allows the player or any player-sized mob that gets in the water to circle incessantly around the center. These are normally used for AFK players in multiplayer to avert getting kicked off the server.


  • i Usage
    • 1.1 Usage notes
  • ii Construction
  • 3 Countless circling moat
  • 4 See also

Usage [ ]

Endless circling pools, or AFK pools, are primarily used on multiplayer servers. Nearly servers prevent players from being idle for likewise long by kicking them off the server after 15 minutes or more than. For that reason, some players brand "AFK Pools" to prevent being kicked off by the system.

This is why many players build an endless circumvoluted pool when they take to exist abroad from the estimator. An endless circling pool automatically moves the histrion continuously. Notwithstanding, information technology can malfunction in one case in a while, causing the actor to terminate moving. Because of this, make sure to bank check your computer every 15 minutes (or however long the histrion is allowed to be idle before they get kicked off on that specific server). Also, annotation that some servers ban the usage of endless circling pools.

Usage notes [ ]

Here are some important things to think about when using an endless circumvoluted pool.

  • The sound that the water makes may disturb the histrion, then if you listen the noise, plow the reckoner's book off.
  • Sometimes yous may stop moving when in an AFK pool, and must manually move the player to start again. Using a 2nd sign every bit the cardinal block instead of a solid one can prevent this, and makes the puddle more reliable.
  • Using an endless circumvoluted puddle may be against the rules of your server, particularly if information technology has an auto rank system to give benefits for playing longer, or is often near the thespian cap. And then, brand sure to check the rules before constructing one.
  • Using this pool causes your hunger bar to go down, which can impale you in difficult difficulty. Riding a boat in a pool broad enough (run across #Endless circling moat below) does not deplete hunger. Otherwise, you keep food on hand for when you return, or make an automatic nutrient farm and keep the use central pressed.
  • The pool should be encased in some sort of building, because otherwise you could be attacked by monsters and die.
  • Keep in mind that, if you are in a multiplayer server, other players might troll y'all when you are AFK.

Construction [ ]

An AFK pool

When you lot are ready to build an endless circling pool, yous need simply basic materials:

  • Building blocks (such as rock bricks)
  • A sign or button (buttons cost the least to craft)
  • A stair, slab, or pressure plate (the pressure plate costs the least to craft, and creates a smoother transition from the top of the stream from the bottom)
  • A water bucket

The post-obit schematics bear witness the construction of an countless circumvoluted pool:



Notation: Darker blocks are two blocks high.

Construction notes
  • Yous can replace the rock bricks shown in the grids above with any solid block, such as cobblestone or wood planks.
  • The slab can be of whatsoever type. It can exist any cake 1 automatically steps upward onto, that h2o cannot wash away, meaning that stairs are another choice. Place the slab or stair under the h2o source that is 2 blocks high.
  • The water source cake (marked with an S) flows down, and effectually to under the sign.
  • Afterwards the water is flowing correctly, the sign tin can usually exist removed one time everything is in place.
  • 1.thirteen has changed the water catamenia mechanics, such that the cease of the h2o has less current. This can cause yous to get stuck on the central block. Supplant it with a sign instead to solve this issue.
Layered pattern

To use the endless circumvoluted puddle, simply bound into the water at any place in the menstruum. The water should constantly carry the player using the pool all the way around.

Endless circling moat [ ]





The smallest circling pool that can conform a gunkhole, using four water source blocks (indicated by "S") and eight buttons.

The smallest endlessly circumvoluted moat that can accommodate a gunkhole.

A better variation is to build a two-cake-wide channel, which can suit a boat that you ride in. The advantage is that hunger is not depleted while riding a boat.

With proper h2o management, one can construct not just circling pools, but too moats around arbitrary areas. Strategic placement of h2o source blocks forth with signs or buttons are used to command the period of h2o such that one flow pushes the boat into the side by side flow, but the next flow pulls the boat out from the previous flow.

Using the techniques described in Tutorials/H2o-powered boat transportation, the smallest circling pool that can accommodate a boat has i solid block in the center and four quadrants of water flowing from one corner of each quadrant. This pattern requires a vii×7 area, one layer, 4 water source blocks ("S" in the schematic), and 8 buttons or signs — ane on each side of the central cake and one on the wall opposite each central sign or push.

See also [ ]

  • Server
  • Water
  • Liquid
  • Tutorials/Playing on servers


How to Make a Afk Machine in Minecraft TUTORIAL

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